Test Kitchen - Homemade Pop Tarts

I was first introduced to home made pop tarts by Ted's Bulletin on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC.  I remember I really wanted one because it looked so pretty and then I wanted another one because it tasted sooo much better than the cardboard version I occasionally lived off of in college.  I'm not sure what reminded me of pop tarts recently.  I guess when I bake, I usually tend to gravitate towards recipes that are more... rustic (for a lack of a better word).  But for whatever reason, this time I wanted to make something more whimsical in the kaleidoscopic sprinkles and dyed icing kind of way.  I guess that's when I thought of Ted's pop tarts and launched into an internet search for a recipe.  Google returned Smitten Kitchen's recipe but for pop tarts sans icing.  So I then followed this recipe for sugar cookie icing and followed with a generous sprinkling of sprinkles.  Hours later, I had eight pop tarts in three different flavours: grapefruit marmalade, black currant, and cinnamon sugar.  What I love about home made pop tarts (aside from how they taste) is how much you can personalize them.  From filling flavours to decor, you can build your pop tart according to your design.  What I don't like, is the work.  Don't get me wrong, it was fun this time but I don't see this being a ritual any time soon.  Not that I'm in any kind of shape, but pop tart making left me exhausted and lying on the couch trying very hard not to think about the giant mess in my kitchen... the mess that twelve hours later, I should probably get around to cleaning before it starts to smell like something died... so with that, I leave you friends.  And remember, do not attempt this unless you are in better shape than me or you really have a hankering for home made pop tarts.  It's not easy but should you succeed, you will be rewarded generously.        


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