Beauty as a State of Mind

From the artist who brought you Introversion, comes another comic strip that I think most women could probably relate to... well, it strongly resonated with me at least.  The issue of beauty has always been a conflicted and confusing one for me... and one that I've cared about more deeply than I'd like to admit.  Rationally, I've always believed that "it's what's inside that matters" but it's hard not to be effected by the movies, advertisements, and magazines that seem to be pervasively present in today's increasingly celebrity obsessed world.  Add to that all the issues that come with ethnicity, and you have a very confused Asian-American girl. Growing up in America, I was made to believe that my slanted eyes and "flat face" disqualified me from any possibility of beauty.  Later, when we moved to Korea, my monolids and "healthy" physique discouraged me from believing that I could ever even fit in anywhere.  Now that I'm in my early thirties, I've come a long way from the confusion of my teens and twenties, mostly because I'm tired and just don't care as much anymore.  But there's still a part of me that I have to remind that "those looks" aren't really there and that it's all in my head.  

Aside from speaking to that insecure side of me, I feel like this comic was especially timely as I'm here in Korea, the plastic surgery capitol of the world.  It literally seems like everyone and their mom here has gone under the knife to "correct a defect" that doesn't match the going image of beauty.  It makes me sad to think that little girls today are growing up with not only the movies and magazines, but they're also being bombarded by advertisements brainwashing them into thinking that they should (even need) to have surgery to be beautiful.  So this ones for the little girls of Korea, in hopes that they learn to embrace themselves for who they are. 


Finish the rest of this comic and more on Luchie's site, French Fries and Waffles.  


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