The Power of Introverts

I was taking a peek at Luchie's blog to see if her comic, "Introversion" had been printed yet when I ran into a link for Susan Cain's TED talk on the Power of Introverts.  I'm so glad that I clicked on the link this morning because I think its one of the most validating commentaries I've ever come across in my life.  I've mentioned this before and it should come as no surprise to those who know me personally but I am without question, an introvert.  And as Cain makes the distinction in her talk, I will also add that I am not only an introvert but I'm also pretty painfully shy.
Throughout my childhood and into my early twenties, I spent a lot of time hating that about myself.  And as painful as it was, I also tried very hard to change that about myself.  But instead of feeling better, it often left me feeling even more uncomfortable, discouraged, and depressed.  Through my frustration, a part of me eventually got to the point where I felt like retaliating and rejecting the abject celebration of all things extroverted.  I was tired to making myself feel inadequate and defective.  I wanted to accept who I was without apology.  

But after so many years of being surrounded by extrovert propaganda, I found it hard to point to examples of introvert power and to articulate even to myself how or why introverts should be celebrated in their own right.  So thanks to Susan Cain for giving me a voice, for teaching me about myself, and for helping me love me a little more.


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