Happy Halloween!

Teaching middle school has sadly taught me to hate Halloween.  From about a week before to about a week after, my kids would turn into tornadoes of rabid, sugar induced energy, destroying everything in their path and leaving candy wrappers in every crevice of the classroom in their wake.  Aside from marathon March, it was probably my least favorite time of the school year.  But the other day, I saw a story on my Pulse news feed about Josh Sunquist and his ingenious Halloween costumes that gave me the warm fuzzies - a feeling I hadn't associated with Halloween in decades.  You probably already figured out from the photos that Josh is an amputee.  As a boy, he was diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer and after a year of chemo, his left leg was amputated.  He still went on however, to not only beat the cancer but to become a paralympian skier.  And as if that wasn't inspiring enough, for the past couple years, he's been making the most clever Halloween costumes I think I've ever seen.  So thanks to Josh for encouraging me to keep fighting to live life to the fullest (with sense of humor in tact) and for melting this Halloween grinch's heart.    


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