A Fantastic Voyage with Nissin

Instant ramen has always had a special place in my heart, but having just returned from Japan, it's especially on the forefront of my mind.  So my curiosity was particularly piqued when T's pulse feed included some Gizmodo headline about a classy ad for cup noodles.  As it turns out, you can always count on the Japanese to make a video about instant ramen that is both aesthetically beautiful and inexplicably eccentric.

After reading some of the comments for the video, I watched it a couple more times and slowly awoke to the realization of how much deeper the 57 second story line is.  Then it dawned on me, the video actually starts with poop... except you'd never know it because true to form, the Japanese design firm hired to make this ad made it look abstract and graphically sleek.  All things considered I think Gizmodo was right, it's hard to imagine a classier ad for cup noodles!


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