A couple weeks ago, we were watching Guy Fieri's Triple D on TV when this biscuit place in Portland that T's been raving about for years happened to come up. As Portland is only 2 hours away, this triggered a full on search for the cheapest available Air Bnb places in the Portland area during Memorial Day weekend so that I could finally experience the magic that is Pine Street Biscuits. Unfortunately, with such short notice, pickings were slim and we opted to stay in town for the Seattle Sketcher exhibit instead. I had just resigned myself to a longer wait for biscuit sandwiches when a crazy stroke of luck had us wandering into Serious Pie and Biscuit after our museum visit.
Here's what we got...
* Crispy hamhock, collard greens with smoked onions
It's hard for me to ever pass up collard greens and this sandwich is a great example of why. Generally sweet, savory foods are not my fav but I gladly make an exception for the hamhocks in this sandwich. Sweet, smoky, buttery goodness... I think this sandwich is my new happy place.

* Fried chicken, tabasco black pepper gravy
The chicken on this sandwich was so ridiculously moist that the juices literally started streaming out of it when T cut it in half to share. Our server kindly put the gravy on the side (T is lactose challenged) which I think allowed us to get an even larger helping of the gloriously flavorful gravy than we would have otherwise (score!). The biscuit had a great consistency that held up in all the chicken juice and gravy without being too doughy or dense.
These guys are definitely serious about their biscuit sandwiches. And we couldn't be happier.
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