Maybe it's hormornes, but I've been feeling particularly inspired lately. Between the film festival and museum exhibits, I can't remember the last time I've been this overwhelmed with creative stimulation. It's both daunting and exhilarating.
Among the many things that sent me over the moon last week is the Museum of History and Industry's (MOHAI) exhibit of Gabriel Campanario's Seattle sketches. T happened to spy a poster for this show while out to lunch a couple weeks ago. It had the look of something that would be right up our alley and after a quick google search and chat, we sealed the deal to go check it out. Come this past Saturday, with only a couple days left of the exhibit, we high tailed it over to MOHAI first thing in the morning. Despite my better judgement, I went with soaring expectations, and believe it or not, it managed to exceed them all. It certainly was one of those few love at first sight moments.

After almost two hours of wandering through the exhibit, only the most ravenous of hunger pangs could get us to even think about leaving. Even then, I honestly never wanted to go... I loved it that much. But rather than risking a hanger induced homicide I would be sure to regret, I thought it was best to to say good bye to the Seattle Sketcher and set out in search of food. Besides, I figured that's probably what Campanario would want, for us to go forth and discover Seattle for ourselves.

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