Going along with the African kitenge theme, I've also uploaded a handful of kitenge button earrings onto the shop. Unlike the tote bags that I introduced the other day however, I can't take any credit for bringing these beauties into the world. They are in fact a Kenyan crafts fair find that I fell in love with at first sight.

While I have always been fond of kitenge fabric, it has also always been a little bit intimidating to "pull off," especially in the form of a two piece suit or full maxi dress. And as someone who isn’t African, the risk of it back-firing seemed to escalate ten fold. So when I ran into Pauline's kitenge button earrings, my heart leaped for joy. Her earrings captured the funkiness and vibrancy that I love about kitenges but in doses that I totally felt confident rocking. I had arrived at my entry point into the world of African fashion.

But when I learned more about her process and how all of her accessories are made with recycled fabric and local artisans, I really couldn’t put any of them down or out of my mind for that matter. Having found a product that I love made by people that I admire, I really felt compelled to share them with a wider audience which is why I'm proud to include them in my shop.

Hope you'll stop by for a closer look! While the earrings have less to do with Earth Day, you can still use the code HEARTEARTH15 for 15% off your entire purchase! Valid till the end of the month so hurry on over
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